Vocational training

Hours per week
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As an international logistics service provider, SACO Shipping GmbH develops comprehensive and customized transport concepts on land, at sea and in the air. As an independent consolidator, we have been setting global milestones in the import and export business for over 30 years and have been doing ground-breaking pioneering work. With us, you have the opportunity to play your part in the global transportation of goods and come into contact with people all over the world.


  • Persönliche Betreuung durch eigenen Tutor
  • Interner Englischunterricht
  • Zusatzkrankenversicherung
  • Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeld
  • Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
  • Restaurantschecks
  • Firmenfitness
  • ÖPNV-Zuschuss

Your tasks

  • Organisation von Versand, Umschlag und ggf. Lagerung von Gütern
  • Überwachung des Zusammenwirkens aller Transportakteure
  • Kundenberatung
  • Auftragsabwicklung
  • Kommunikation mit internationalen Partnern

What you bring with you

  • Mittlere Reife, Fach- oder Hochschulreife
  • Gute Noten, insbesondere in Deutsch, Englisch, und Geografie
  •  Interesse an wirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen
  • Organisationsgeschick, Motivation und Teamgeist


We want to make it as easy as possible for you to start your career. That’s why we’ve come up with a system that allows us to get to know each other quickly and easily to see if we’re a good match. Only four steps separate you from your first day in your new dream job – we look forward to receiving your application!

application process saco graphic svg
application process saco graphic svg mobil

Apply directly here

or at Bewerbung@saco.de

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