Dear customers, we are glad to be able to share our new SACO website with you starting from 4 September. The domain becomes Important for you: In future, you will be able to access the booking portal via the ‘MYSACO’ button. However, the process for your booking enquiries will not change. If you have saved your password, you will have to enter it again as the web address will change. If you no longer have your password available, please use the ‘Forgot username / password’ function.
What did we change? With the launch of our new site, we have now clearly separated the website and service portal areas. One of the main reasons is to improve user guidance. Henceforth, you will be able to find all the information on our website more quickly, while our “MY SACO” portal is specifically focused on all booking processes. On our new website, you will find a comprehensive overview of all our services and have the SACO network right at your fingertips. Potential applicants are now able to find more detailed information in our new careers section. Your opinion is important to us, and we look forward to your feedback. If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact our marketing team at Your SACO Shipping Team