
AEO certificate

Authorised Economic Operator [AEO]

SACO has had the status of Authorised Economic Operator since 22 March 2013. The granting of this status is subject to extensive requirements relating to reliability, solvency, previous compliance with the relevant legislation and, where appropriate, compliance with certain security standards. The AEO status allows us, among other things, to obtain authorisations for customs procedures of economic importance and other simplified procedures in a simple process throughout the European Union without having to go through another extensive check.

ISO 9001 certificate

SACO attaches great importance to its quality management and a high level of customer satisfaction. That is why we are ISO 9001 certified. Consequently, we guarantee a continuous improvement process for the company’s internal quality management system (QMS) for the benefit of our business partners and good collaboration.

With our certificate of environmental partnership with Hamburg Energie, we at SACO Shipping confirm our commitment to sustainability. This certificate is evidence of our proactive contribution to the environment and the effective reduction of our environmental footprint.

Our voluntary declaration underscores our commitment to complying with the German Minimum Wage Act. It ensures the payment of the statutory minimum wage to our employees and obliges subcontractors to follow the same practice. In the event of violations, we assume liability, protect our customers from legal claims and guarantee that these principles are firmly anchored in our code of conduct.

As the proud holder of a Chamber of Commerce certificate for ‘quality from dual vocational-and-educational training’, we at SACO Shipping firmly believe that high-quality education is the key to long-term success. This certificate confirms our commitment to developing talent and nurturing the next generation of professionals.